1 Day Sports Workshops
For sporting groups
1 Day Foundation
Workshop – Now
The Canine Core
For dog enthusiasts
1 Year Course
Canine Conditioning Coach
For dog specialists
1 Day Canine Massage Workshop
For dog enthusiasts
Strength From The Inside Out
The Canine Conditioning Academy is bridging the gap in canine therapy and training. Our programmes are science based, focusing on correct form which leads to correct function. Using human and equine exercise principles that re-educate neuromuscular function our aim is to re-balance the canine body, correct movement patterns which will improve performance and reduce the risk of injury.
IT’S ALL ABOUT FORM – our exercises are based on getting correct FORM which encourages the correct firing of muscles to improve function.
Foundation Intermediate Advanced Training Programmes
It is common in equine and human training to incorporate core strength training and there is now much research in the correct way to condition dogs. Our courses pull together the most current research from human, equine and canine conditioning and fitness giving our students the most relevant scientific basis to excel in this new field of Canine Conditioning.
In creating the Canine Conditioning Academy the founders have integrated their vast knowledge and experience in canine therapy and exercise physiology with the experience gained by teaching and implementing canine exercise programmes. Research and techniques from human, equine and canine conditioning and remedial training are key to the conditioning programs which have been developed over 8 years of intense review. 100s of dogs are using the Canine Conditioning Academy fitness programmes and the results speak for themselves. see our testimonials.
The Canine Conditioning Academy offers a range of courses in total conditioning and fitness for dogs. Our unique programme’s are designed to develop canine strength from the inside out. Foundation Conditioning is the key to a fit, healthy, flexible, balanced dog helping them to get the best out of life and reach their full athletic potential is what every they do.
We train Dog Lovers, Trainers, Canine Sports Participants, Canine Professionals, Therapists and our Clients to develop, maintain and value canine conditioning and fitness.
We run courses for everyone from our One Day Massage Workshops for owners and competitors to the Canine Conditioning Academy Licensed Instructor programme for canine professionals wanting to learn about and teach advanced canine conditioning.
Our licensed Instructor programme is externally accredited and approved as a customised provision by LANTRA, the national industry recognised awarding body regulated by OFQUAL, SQA, and Qualification Wales.
Emma and Roz are fabulous instructors, their knowledge and enthusiasm for teaching this course knows no bounds, everything is carefully researched and science-based meaning that my dog and I are in safe hands and we are totally buzzing every time we attend the practical weekends!
Contact Admin:
7 Amen Place
Little Addington
NN14 4AU
Strength from the inside out
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